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So Long 2020 You Will Not Be Missed


It's been awhile since I have posted. While not much has gone on, much has happened. John Michael continues to work hard despite the Covid setbacks. Covid did hit our family in October and I am glad to say we are all fine. We are all high risk, but we had a fairly easy time with it. We were a little concerned with John Michael's breathing - since he can not blow his nose or produce a cough - but he did great with only 1 incident of his oxygen levels dropping kind of low, but not getting low enough to have to go to the hospital. Praise God for that!

This past year I have been busy building a house that is better suited for John Michael. I am happy to say we moved in the week before Thanksgiving and are finally feeling settled. John Michael has his own side of the house with his own TV room, bar, caregiver room, a real bedroom (not the dining room) and an indoor bathroom! For those who do not know, in our last house all the bedrooms were upstairs so we made the dining room his bedroom. We also could not make any of the bathrooms ADA so we had to build a bathroom for him out back attached to the garage. To say he is happier is an understatement. The new house also gives me more privacy and a place to go when he and his friends watch their crazy shows or listen to their loud music - I sound old! He has his own entrance as well. We made the house a smart house so he can open doors, operate all lights, tv, AC and alarm system from his phone. He has a much better feeling of independence.

John Michael has continued to make small incremental gains over the last year and we are thankful for any gains! I would have to say the biggest gain is with his speech. He continues to have better articulation, we just need more volume. OT has seen increased initiation of several shoulder and arm muscles and we are turning our focus this year to perfecting self feeding. Physical therapy continues to focus on strengthening the core to help with his balance which a huge missing piece to walking!

We did receive some very sad news over the New Year weekend. Our dear friend Baylor Bramble passed away while in the hospital for nasal surgery. I still do not know all of the details. Please keep this sweet family in your prayers. Baylor was a fellow Shepherd patient from Tennessee who suffered a major TBI on the football field. He would come to CORE a couple of times a year and we would always enjoy their time here with them. Baylor has just turned 22 in November. We are comforted in knowing that Baylor is with his Lord and Savior and his body is restored!

Prayer Requests:

- peace and comfort for the Bramble Family

- increased volume for speech so all can hear his voice

- consistent, strong, sustainable movements in his arms and hands

- stronger core for stability

- peace and patience (Patience to wait does not come from suffering long for what we lack, but from sitting long in what we have - Beth Moore)

We wish all of you the Happiest of New Years and praying for Covid to go away and for all affected by it. We believe and pray that 2021 will be a big year for John Michael.

For the last many years, I try to pick a word for that year. My word for this year is Miracles! "Miracles are not always visible to the naked eye, but those who live by faith can see them clearly. Living by faith rather than sight, enables you to see My Glory." (Jesus Calling) "Faith that is sure of itself is not faith; faith that is sure of God is the only faith there is." (My Upmost for His Highest)

"Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples." Psalm 77:13-14

Love to all,


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