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As I started the day I watched this video to see how far John Michael has come. This road to recovery has been long and very hard. As a mother who wants to make everything all better for her child it’s been quite excruciating! I know I do a lot for him and maybe even more than most, but the reality is there is nothing I can do but wait, trust and hope. My prayers for John Michael are still the same, but I now find myself releasing my desire to fix and control by acknowledging to God that His ways are higher than mine, that His timing is perfect, it’s not my timing and that His will for John Michael’s life is better than anything I could ever imagine.

We have said since those first days in the ICU that good has to come from this horrific situation. We have seen so much good through our family, friends, community and even strangers. We love hearing how John Michael has inspired or motivated you. We love hearing how your faith has been renewed, strengthened and even established. I post these videos to show you He is doing it and John Michael is doing it! He is listening to your prayers and seeing your faithfulness to continue to support John Michael and continually pray for his full recovery. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I thought of the story of the tortoise and the hare the other day. John Michael is the tortoise in the race - slow and steady. I have been the hare. Anyone who knows me, knows that I do everything fast. I’ve been called the energizer bunny by many. But between my cancer and life events, I just can’t do it anymore. So I am having to be more like the tortoise. But as I recall the tortoise wins the race! So we keep inching along. Thankful for every inch and thankful for the ability to slow things down in life a bit. If you’re like me and you are being the hare in your life, I encourage you today to slow down, because sadly if you don’t, life will have a way of doing it for you.

The video is several inches of gains. He could barely lift his shoulders off the table a few months ago. His voice is still soft, but articulation is getting better. His deep core muscles are still weak but getting stronger every day. Keep storming the gates my faithful prayer warriors. Rise up and intercede for his full recovery just as John Michael is trying to rise up from the table in the video.

Prayer Requests: - a louder voice - continued strengthen of core muscles - ability to completely pull himself up - peace and patients and a spirit to sustain us on our hard days

*2 special prayer requests - about a month ago we were reconnected with a former Shepherd Patient Baylor Bramble. He, like John Michael was an athlete and had a terrible injury on the football field. You can find his story here, Please pray for his full recovery, his sweet family and at the very least head control! - This past weekend a friend’s son had a terrible fall and is in a hospital induced coma in a Miami hospital. Please pray for Austen George and his family as they learn more and navigate the next steps.

As always I have inserted John Michael’s name and need - “Intercede with the Lord your God and pray for John Michael that the connections will be restored from his brain to his body. So the man of God interceded with the Lord and John Michael’s body was restored and became as it was before.” 1Kings13:6

Love to all, Vickie


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